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RE: Auto Extend

From: Kimberly Smith <>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 11:37:29 -0700
Message-ID: <>

We had
an issue here where we had the Sun box to except files over 2G but got bitten in the ass quickly by it.  We use HP OmniBack to backup all our Unix boxes and the agent on the Sun box could not handle the file size.  So there is more then just "Can the OS handle it" to keep into account.  Thankfully nothing had written to the extra portion and we were able to shrink it again.

  <FONT face=Tahoma
  size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Lisa Koivu   []Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001   10:08 AMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject:   RE: Auto Extend
  Hi Ron,
  do you have large files enabled on
  your system? What unix are you running?  if large files are not enabled   you're going to get an error but I can't tell you what it will be.   Boy, autoextend reminds me of a
  monkey running around in your database.  I'd never do that, but it's just   my personal preference.
  Lisa Koivu <FONT
  face="Book Antiqua" size=2>Oracle Database Administrator <FONT   face=Tahoma size=2>954-935-4117
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    -----Original Message----- <FONT

    face=Arial size=1>From:   <FONT face=Arial 
    size=1>Smith, Ron L. [] <FONT face=Arial 
    size=1>Sent:   Thursday, May 

    31, 2001 10:31 AM <FONT face=Arial
    size=1>To:     <FONT face=Arial 
    size=1>Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <FONT face=Arial 
    size=1>Subject:        <FONT 
    face=Arial size=1>Auto Extend 

    I have taken over an Oracle database that is     setup with autoextend on the <FONT face=Arial     size=2>tablespaces.  Can anyone tell me what happens when the datafiles     extend beyond 2G on Unix?

    Fat City Network Services    --
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