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RE: Sun Solaris 8 - Listener failed to start a dedicated server p

From: Narender Akula <>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 16:23:07 -0700
Message-ID: <>

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size=2>hi  jacques,
I have
a similar issue quite some time back.<SPAN class=556483123-22052001>, when everything was fine at oracle level. Try finding problem at unix level. like memory being less, heavy swapping. In my case, it turned out to be unix memory problem. A reboot of unix box solved it.
are some of options to check..
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Here are some options for an intermittent TNS-12500: Intermittent TNS-12500 errors are caused by a lack of resources on the server. Finding which resource is depleted may be difficult. 1. The TNS-12500 can be a result of the 'processes' parameter in the init<sid>.ora file being too low. 2. If the init.ora 'processes' parameter seems ok then you may need to increase the Unix kernel parameters for the maximum number of processes or users (for example, nproc or maxuprc). Check the manuals for the Unix operating system for more information on these parameters. 3. Check that you have adequate swap space. 4. Disable OTRACE. OTRACE is a tracing feature that can cause many problems. OTRACE is enabled by default. To disable OTRACE: a. Stop the Oracle database. b. Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/otrace/admin directory. c. Delete all files with a '.dat' extension. d. Restart the Oracle database. Oracle
support recommenda this...5. Use the Multi-Threaded Server (MTS) option. MTS will fix the problem since the listener does not spawn dedicated server processes in this environment. MTS also cuts down on the amount of resources being utilized by having connections threaded through dispatchers and by having shared server processes read dispatcher requests from queues. To invoke MTS: a. Stop the database b. Modify the init<sid>.ora file to include these parameters: mts_dispatchers="<protocol>,<number of dispatchers to create>" mts_max_dispatchers=<max number of dispatchers> mts_servers=<number of shared servers to start> mts_max_servers=<max number of shared servers> mts_service=<SID name> mts_listener_address=<address of the TNS listener> An example of a working MTS configuration would be: mts_dispatchers="tcp,3" mts_max_dispatchers=10 mts_servers=2 mts_max_servers=4 mts_service=ORCL mts_listener_address=
"(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=mars1)(port=1521))" Please note for Oracle 8i the MTS configuration would be: mts_dispatchers = "(protocol=tcp)(dis=2)" mts_max_dispatchers = 4 mts_servers = 4 mts_max_servers = 6 local_listener = "(ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=mars1)(PORT=1521)))" c. Restart the database.
above options donot work....

following things...
Use the "truss" command to trace the system calls when you get the ORA-12500. Example: truss -f -o error.log sqlplus do you
have any 32 bit versions and 64 bit database on the same box...






  <FONT face=Tahoma
  size=2>-----Original Message-----From: eric harrington   []Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 11:05   AMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: RE:   Sun Solaris 8 - Listener failed to start a dedicated server   p
  I've seen a similar
  error with processes and Solaris memory structures.  Someone mentioned   increasing SEMMNS, this helped in my situation, however you can try decreasing   the PROCESSES parameter temporarily (as low as possible) to test whether the   Solaris memory setup is an issue.  There is a formula for sizing SEMMNS,   cannot currently find it.

    <FONT face=Tahoma
    size=2>-----Original Message-----From:     []On Behalf Of Jacques     KilchoerSent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 5:26 PMTo:     Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: RE: Sun Solaris 8 -     Listener failed to start a dedicated server p     Thank you for the suggestions so far. <FONT     size=2>Rocky Welch suggesting increasing the "processes" parameter in the     init.ora I tried that with one of the 8.1.6     databases. The "processes" parameter was set to 50,     I increased it to 200, shut down that database, restarted the listener     (lsnrctl>stop and lsnrctl>start) and restarted the database. I still     got "ORA-12500: TNS:listener failed to start a dedicated server process"     when trying to connect to that database from the client.     John Kangaraj has suggested checking the number of     semaphores. I forgot to mention before that I had already looked at that     also (I've been bitten by semaphores before.) I counted 780 semaphores being     used (from ipcs) and 1024 being the maximum allowed (from /etc/system). (see     below)
    I'm still new to Sun Solaris and I'm totally stumped. Does     anyone else have any other ideas? I really would prefer not running     multi-threaded server (MTS) if I don't have to, which was one of the     suggestions on Metalink.
    Am I interpreting the available memory information     correctly? (see below) For physical memory, I think I see 4GB available and     622 MB being used. As far as swap, I see approx. 4GB available.

Received on Tue May 22 2001 - 18:23:07 CDT

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