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RE: creating standby database

From: Reddy, Gautam <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 15:07:59 -0500
Message-Id: <>

Sorry could not post it earlier was out of office.


# Script Name: db_rollfw
# Global Variables
# Variables that we will globalize in a function if it is needed
# In tcl all variable must be set before using
set STD(PROG) [file tail $argv0]        ;# Program name 
set STD(DIR) [glob -- ~oracle/] ;# Backup working directory 
set STD(TMP) /tmp               ;# Temp directory 
set STD(BIN) $STD(DIR)/local/bin                ;# Binary Directory 
set STD(FPATH) $STD(DIR)/local/func             ;# Function Directory 
set STD(CONF) /var/opt/oracle   ;# Charmer's config file directory 
set STD(DEBUG) 0 
set STD(RCVRCNT) 0                      ;# The number of files currently
set stable 0
set fuser_cmd /usr/local/bin/su_fuser
set STD(ARCH_EXT) arc

proc check_stop {} {
# This function checks to see if I should stop by
# checking for the existance of a stop file and
# by checking against the current time

global STD
global need_file
upvar stop stop

set stop_var "stop"
set primary_var "primary"

set fname "check_stop"
if {[info exists stop]} {return 0}
if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } {
puts "\[$STD(PROG)] INFO: Checking for a stop condition"   }
if {![file exists $STD(TMP)/stop_recovery]} { if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } {
puts "\[$STD(PROG)] INFO: File $STD(TMP)/stop_recovery does not exist, co ntinueing\n"

return 0
set ptr [open $STD(TMP)/stop_recovery r] set stop_point [gets $ptr]
close $ptr
# Compare this stop_point with the test var
if {$stop_var == $stop_point} {
if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } {
puts "\[$STD(PROG)] INFO: Stopping database recovery"} set stop 1
send "cancel\r"
exec $STD(ORANOTIFY) -n $STD(PROG) -s $STD(STANDBY_ORACLE_SID) -l CRITICAL -m "Recovery Canceled"
return 0
} else {
if {$primary_var == $stop_point} {
if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } {

puts "\[$STD(PROG)]  INFO: Starting standby as primary database" 
puts "The database will be made primary, mounted, opened with reset logs," 
puts "and then shutdown. Please do a backup before you reopen the database"}

set stop 1
send "CANCEL;\r"
expect -re "\nSVRMGR> " {send "alter database activate standby database;\r"}

expect -re "\nSVRMGR> " {send "shutdown;\r"} 
expect -re "\nSVRMGR> " {send "startup restrict;\r"} 
expect -re "\nSVRMGR> " {send "exit;\r"} 
exec $STD(ORANOTIFY) -n $STD(PROG) -s $STD(STANDBY_ORACLE_SID) -l CRITICAL -m "Recovery Stopped Started Primary. Please do a backup." } else {
exec $STD(ORANOTIFY) -n $STD(PROG) -s $STD(STANDBY_ORACLE_SID) -l CRITICAL -m "You must put the work stop in the stop_recovery file" if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } {
puts "\nYou must put the work stop in the stop_recovery file\n"

return 0

proc usage {} {

# Print simple usage statement and return
global STD
global ERRAY

puts "\nUsage: $STD(PROG) -s STANDBY_ORACLE_SID" puts ""

        puts "   -s STANDBY_ORACLE_SID  Name of the oracle database" 
        puts "   -v                 verbose output" 
puts ""

proc parse_args {} {

# Outputs:

        #   VERBOSE 
        #   DEBUG 


# Global variables

global STD
global argv
global argc
set fname "parse_args"

# Process the command line arguments
# switch
# switch is similar to case, it checks the variable given to it against a
# of values and executes the command(s) associated with the value upon a
# here I am using exact because I don't want switch to try and pattern match

# the-lets switch know I am finished passing switches
set count 0
while {$count < $argc} {
switch -exact -- [lindex $argv $count] { * s {
incr count
set STD(STANDBY_ORACLE_SID) [lindex $argv $count] incr count

* v     { 

incr count
* d     { 

set STD(DEBUG) 1
incr count
                        default { usage } 

return 0

proc require_vars {variables} {
global ERRAY
foreach var $variables {
if {[regexp {^(.*)(\(.*\))} $var junk globme]} { global $globme
} else {
global $var


if {![info exists $var]} {error "Variable $var does not exist"} if {[string length "[set $var]"] < 1} {error "Variable $var is NULL"}


proc parse_conf {} {
# Parse the config file, the config file is

# Global vars

global STD
global ERRAY

set fname "parse_conf"
if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } { puts "\[$STD(PROG)]\[$fname]: INFO Parsing the config file"}
set config $STD(CONF)/standby_$STD(STANDBY_ORACLE_SID).cfg if {[catch {open $config r} file]} {error $file} foreach line [split [read $file] \n] {
if {![regexp -- {^[a-z]|^[A-Z]} $line]} {continue} switch -exact -- [lindex $line 0] \
set STD(ORACLE_BIN) [lindex $line 1]/bin set STD(ORACLE_HOME) [lindex $line 1]

                        } \ 
ORANOTIFY {set STD(ORANOTIFY) [lindex $line 1]} \ 

set STD(LOG) $STD(DIR)/admin/$STD(STANDBY_ORACLE_SID)/standby ; catch {close $file}

# #
# db_rollfw MAIN #
# #

# Source the exit codes function

source $STD(FPATH)/exit_codes.tcl

# Execute the exit_codes function

# Parse the command line

# Parse the config file
# catch-In a TCL program errors are not tolerated, if you
# recieve an error, the program will exit with an error message,
# (in expect you get a debug stack also). If an external process returns
# non-zero or writes to STDERR TCL interprets this as a failure.
# Therefore you must anticipate failures. That's what catch does,
# it catches errors. Catch will return a 0 if no errors are caught
# and a 1 otherwise. The syntax is catch {command and all args}
# ?varname?. Varname is optional and when present it will hold
# either the error generated (caught) of the resulting output of the
# program if it terminates normally.

if {[catch parse_conf result]} {
puts "\[$STD(PROG)] ERROR: $result" exec $STD(ORANOTIFY) -n $STD(PROG) -s $STD(STANDBY_ORACLE_SID) -l CRITICAL -m "ERROR: $result" exit $ERRAY(EPARSE)


# Check for the existence of required variables
# To add to this list put the variable name inside the square brackets []
# the $ dereferencer
# set required {STD(ORACLE_BIN)}

set required {STD(STANDBY_ORACLE_SID) STD(ORACLE_BIN) STD(ORACLE_HOME)} if {[catch {require_vars $required} result]} { puts "\[$STD(PROG)] ERROR: $result" exec $STD(ORANOTIFY) -n $STD(PROG) -s $STD(STANDBY_ORACLE_SID) -l CRITICAL -m "ERROR: $result" exit $ERRAY(EPARSE)

# while there are logs roll the database forward and wait for the next
if {$STD(VERBOSE) == 0} {
log_user 0
spawn $STD(ORACLE_BIN)/svrmgrl
set sql_id $spawn_id
# connect internal

if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } { puts "\n\[$STD(PROG)] INFO: Connecting to the database $STD(STANDBY_ORACLE_SID)\n"}
expect "\nSVRMGR> "
send "connect internal;\r"
# startup the database

if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } { puts "\n\[$STD(PROG)] INFO: Starting up database $STD(STANDBY_ORACLE_SID)\n"}
expect "\nSVRMGR> "
send "startup nomount;\r"
# Start the recovery

if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } { puts "\n\[$STD(PROG)] INFO: Initiating Database recovery\n"}
expect "\nSVRMGR> "
send "alter database mount standby database exclusive;\r" expect -re "\nSVRMGR> "
send "recover standby database until cancel;\r" while {![info exists stop]} {
expect {
* re "\nORA-00289: suggestion : (/.*.$STD(ARCH_EXT))\r\n" { set need_file $expect_out(1,string) set indx [llength [split $need_file "/"]] set indx [expr $indx - 1] set file_name [lindex [split $need_file "/"] $indx]
if {$STD(RCVRCNT) > 0} {
expect -re "ORA-00278: Logfile '(.*)' no longer.*CANCEL.\r\n" {
# I should be removing the file here, but I am not for testing
if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } {
puts "\[$STD(PROG)] INFO: Removing file $expect_out(1,string)"

set ttime [expr [clock seconds] - $stime]
# exec rm $expect_out(1,string)

#exec ksh $STD(BIN)/rm_applied_log $expect_out(1,string) $ttime if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } {
puts "It took $ttime seconds to load log [file tail $expect_out(1,string)]."

} else {
expect -re ".*"

set CheckForFile $STD(LOG)/$file_name
while {![file exists $CheckForFile] && ![info exists stop]} { if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } {
puts -nonewline "\[$STD(PROG)] INFO: The file \"$need_file\" " puts "does not exist waiting for it"

sleep 15

if {[info exists stop]} {
if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } { puts "\[$STD(PROG)] INFO: Script Completed" } } else {
if { $STD(VERBOSE) == 1 } {
puts "\[$STD(PROG)] INFO: The file \"$need_file\" is being loaded"


exec rm $CheckForFile
set stime [clock seconds]
send "\n"
exec rm $STD(TMP)/stop_recovery
#puts "Recovered $STD(RCVRCNT) redo logs" exec $STD(ORANOTIFY) -n $STD(PROG) -s $STD(STANDBY_ORACLE_SID) -l CRITICAL -m "The recovery script has completed. Recovered $STD(RCVRCNT) redo logs" exit


-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Berland [] Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 5:26 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: RE: creating standby database

Post those scripts! Also: How long does Oracle keep rows in v$archived_log?

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000, Reddy, Gautam wrote:

> Got this reply from one of my  friend who works at  ORACLE Field Support.
> This is the reason why we are not using this feature.
> Sounds like we may want to hold off on using this feature
> (log_archive_dest_2 = "service=name_of_other_host REOPEN=30" ) based on
> this.
> "Be very careful when using these new Oracle8i features.  Actually would
> recommend NOT using them.  This is a very new feature and is not as robust
> as I would like it.  I recommend still manually FTPing the logs to the
> standby (without using the new Oracle8i feature) 
> Go to WebIV and do a bug search on "standby ora-00600"  you will see a
> of 30 significant bugs. 
> The big ones are ... If the you fill up the secondary sites archive
> destination it will crash your primary with an ORA-00600 then you must
> recover up to a point in time just before the ORA-00600 occurred. 
> Network failures on mandatory (and sometimes optional) archive
> can also cause the primary to go down. 
> I see your on NT.  The scripts I have to automatically ftp  and apply
> are written in TCL and Expect (both share ware). If they write exect for NT
> and you decide to manually ftp and apply the files, let me know and I will
> e-mail them to you " 
> Thx
> Gautam 
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 3:55 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> I have:
> log_archive_dest_2 = "service=name_of_other_host REOPEN=30" 
> in my pfile.
> On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, Ashish Shah wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > I am trying to create standby database on different
> > hosts.
> > 
> > - The database names are same on both hosts
> > - listener/tnsnames files are configured and
> > working
> > - I was able to create standby database
> > but having problem when i try to enable 
> > archive_Dest_2 on primary database.
> > 
> > SVRMGR> alter system set
> > log_archive_dest_2='service=reptest mandatory
> > reopen=60
> > ';
> > Statement processed.
> > 
> > SVRMGR> alter system set log_archive_dest_2 = enable;
> > ORA-02097: parameter cannot be modified because
> > specified value is invalid
> > ORA-16024: parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 cannot be
> > parsed
> > 
> > Any ideas??
> > 
> > When i do tnsping reptest on primary i do get Ok.
> > 
> > TIA.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > =====
> > Ashish
> > Toronto, Canada
> > 
> > __________________________________________________
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> >
> > -- 
> > Author: Ashish Shah
> >   INET:
> > 
> > Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
> > San Diego, California        -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
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> > also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).
> > 
> -- 
> Author: Kenneth Berland
>   INET:
> Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
> San Diego, California        -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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> -- 
> Author: Reddy, Gautam
>   INET:
> Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
> San Diego, California        -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
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> also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).

Author: Kenneth Berland

Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California        -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
Received on Wed Sep 13 2000 - 15:07:59 CDT

Original text of this message