hello great ora experts: i have one problem as bellow: I have one report on dept table with all fields ie deptno,dname, and loc and name of rdf report is dept_mas.rdf. This report is working fine with following url. (http://4fbb3fdbe54c446:8888/reports/rwservlet?userid=SCOTT/TIGER@orcl&server=repserver90&report=c:\oraproj\dept_mas&destype=CACHE&desformat=htmlcss) I am calling one more report(details report/ drill down report) ie emp_sum from above report using hyperlink based on deptno of dept table matching deptno of emp table. hyperlink of dept_mas is set as (http://4fbb3fdbe54c446:8888/reports/rwservlet?userid=SCOTT/TIGER@orcl&server=repserver90&report=C:\ORAPROJ\emp_sum.rdf&destype=CACHE&desformat=html&p_no=&f_deptno) p_no is user defined parameter bUT AT THE TIME OF CALLING DETAIL REPROT IS GIVES FOLLOWING ERROR: REP-110: File 'empsum.rdfCache=CACHEhtmlcss=html' not found. REP-0110: Unable to open file 'empsum.rdfCache=CACHEhtmlcss=html'. any mistake in the procedure pls suggest pls give me one live example of the problem Thanks sameer