and now if I have the following table: table contrat (numsal number(4), numcontrat number(5), datedeb date, dateend date ); example : numsal numcontrat datedeb dateend 1 1 02/02/2008 10/03/2008 1 2 20/03/2008 30/04/2008 1 3 10/02/2008 15/04/2008 1 4 16/04/2008 15/05/2008 1 5 16/05/2008 31/08/2008 1 6 01/10/2008 31/10/2008 1 7 10/11/2008 31/12/2008 1 8 10/11/2008 15/12/2008 numcontrat no3 overlap no1 and no2 numcontrat no4 overlap no2 numcontrat no8 overlap no7 what is the script that can give me this? numsal numcontrat overlap contrats 1 3 1 3 2 1 4 2 1 8 7 etc...