CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "ACMKHI"."EQUITY_MARGIN_OFF_LINE_NEW" (PS_BRANCH VARCHAR2, PS_USER_BRANCH VARCHAR2, VCLIENT VARCHAR2, VFROM_DATE DATE, VTO_DATE DATE, PS_SUM_NET VARCHAR2, PS_FUTURE_NORMAL VARCHAR2, COT_ACCOUNT_MERGE VARCHAR2 := 'T', P_MARING_APPLICABLE VARCHAR2 := 1, PS_ON_OFF_CLIENT VARCHAR2, V_MARGIN_PERC VARCHAR2, V_CUSTODY_PERC VARCHAR2, V_ALL_CLNT NUMBER) IS vshort_sale number; vcash_balance number; ret_value number; vgl_sl_type_client number; v_cot_client_code varchar2(5); v_client_code varchar2(12); v_bal number(15,4); v_cot_amt number(15,4); sql_string varchar2(10000); CURSOR V_CUR_1 IS SELECT client_code FROM equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum tem; CURSOR V_CUR_2 IS select ctem.client_code gl_sl_code, op_amt bal, cl_amt cot_amt from equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum ctem; begin commit; --Insert into t values(vclient||','|| v_all_clnt||', ' ||P_MARING_APPLICABLE||' , '||PS_ON_OFF_CLIENT||' , '||PS_BRANCH||' ,' ||PS_USER_BRANCH); if ((VCLIENT = 'ALL' or vClient = '%') AND V_ALL_CLNT = 0 and P_MARING_APPLICABLE = 2) Then -- Build ALL client list which trade during the period. /*insert into equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum (client_code) select distinct c.client_code from client c ,client_info ci,equity_trade et where c.client_code = ci.client_code(+) --and decode(PS_ON_OFF_CLIENT,'ALL',1,decode(ci.online_client,null,0,ci.online_client)) = decode(PS_ON_OFF_CLIENT,'ALL',1,'ON',1,'OFF',0) and = 1 and c.client_code=et.client_code and et.trade_date between vfrom_date and vto_date --and c.margin_applicable = Decode(P_MARING_APPLICABLE, 2, c.margin_applicable, P_MARING_APPLICABLE) and c.branch_code = decode(PS_BRANCH,'%',decode(PS_USER_BRANCH,(select branch_code from locations where location_code = (select location_code from system)),c.branch_code,PS_USER_BRANCH),PS_BRANCH) --and c.badla_client=0 ;*/ insert into equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum (client_code) select distinct c.client_code from client c where = 1and c.branch_code = decode(PS_BRANCH,'%',decode(PS_USER_BRANCH,(select branch_code from locations where location_code = (select location_code from system)),c.branch_code,PS_USER_BRANCH),PS_BRANCH) --and c.badla_client=0 ; --Insert into t values(0); Elsif ((VCLIENT = 'ALL' or vClient = '%') AND V_ALL_CLNT = 0) Then -- Build ALL client list which trade during the period. insert into equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum (client_code) select distinct c.client_code from client c ,client_info ci,equity_trade et where c.client_code = ci.client_code(+) and decode(PS_ON_OFF_CLIENT,'ALL',1,decode(ci.online_client,null,0,ci.online_client)) = decode(PS_ON_OFF_CLIENT,'ALL',1,'ON',1,'OFF',0) and = 1 and c.client_code=et.client_code and et.trade_date between vfrom_date and vto_date and c.margin_applicable = Decode(P_MARING_APPLICABLE, 2, c.margin_applicable, P_MARING_APPLICABLE) and c.branch_code = decode(PS_BRANCH,'%',decode(PS_USER_BRANCH,(select branch_code from locations where location_code = (select location_code from system)),c.branch_code,PS_USER_BRANCH),PS_BRANCH) and c.badla_client=0; --Insert into t values(1); ELSif (V_ALL_CLNT = 1) Then -- Build ALL client list which trade during the period. insert into equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum (client_code) select distinct c.client_code from client c ,client_info ci,equity_trade et where c.client_code = ci.client_code(+) and decode(PS_ON_OFF_CLIENT,'ALL',1,decode(ci.online_client,null,0,ci.online_client)) = decode(PS_ON_OFF_CLIENT,'ALL',1,'ON',1,'OFF',0) and = 1 and c.client_code=et.client_code and c.CLIENT_CODE=DECODE(VCLIENT,'ALL',C.CLIENT_CODE,VCLIENT) and et.trade_date <= vto_date and c.margin_applicable = Decode(P_MARING_APPLICABLE, 2, c.margin_applicable, P_MARING_APPLICABLE) and c.branch_code = decode(PS_BRANCH,'%',decode(PS_USER_BRANCH,(select branch_code from locations where location_code = (select location_code from system)),c.branch_code,PS_USER_BRANCH),PS_BRANCH) and c.badla_client=0; --Insert into t values(2); ELSif (V_ALL_CLNT = 2 or P_MARING_APPLICABLE = 2) Then -- Build ALL client list insert into equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum (client_code) select distinct c.client_code from client c ,client_info ci where c.client_code = ci.client_code(+) and decode(PS_ON_OFF_CLIENT,'ALL',1,decode(ci.online_client,null,0,ci.online_client)) = decode(PS_ON_OFF_CLIENT,'ALL',1,'ON',1,'OFF',0) and = 1 and c.CLIENT_CODE=DECODE(VCLIENT,'ALL',C.CLIENT_CODE,VCLIENT); -- and c.branch_code = decode(PS_BRANCH,'%',decode(PS_USER_BRANCH,(select branch_code from locations where location_code = (select location_code from system)),c.branch_code,PS_USER_BRANCH),PS_BRANCH); --Insert into t values(3); else -- Build Single client list which trade during the period. insert into equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum (client_code) select distinct c.client_code from client c ,client_info ci,equity_trade et where c.client_code = ci.client_code(+) and decode(PS_ON_OFF_CLIENT,'ALL',1,decode(ci.online_client,null,0,ci.online_client)) = decode(PS_ON_OFF_CLIENT,'ALL',1,'ON',1,'OFF',0) and c.CLIENT_CODE=VCLIENT and = 1 and c.client_code=et.client_code and et.trade_date between vfrom_date and vto_date; --Insert into t values(4); end if; --Commit; ------------------------- /*OPEN V_CUR_1; FETCH V_CUR_1 INTO v_client_code; ------------------------- LOOP EXIT WHEN V_CUR_1%NOTFOUND;*/ -- Insert client custody holdings in the temp table sql_string := ' insert into temp_Equity_margin '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' (CLIENT_CODE,ISIN,CASH_BALANCE,CUST_BALANCE,MARKET_DATE,MARKET_RATE,OUTSTND_AMOUNT, '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' CASH_MARGIN,CUST_MARGIN,CASH_BUYING_POWER,CUST_BUYING_POWER,SHORT_SALE_VALUE, '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' FUTURE_PERIOD_DESC,EQUITY_CURRENT_POSITION,PROV_TRADE) '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' select dq.client_code,dq.isin,0,SUM(dq.quantity) custody_balance,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,fpd,0,prov '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' FROM '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' ( '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' SELECT * FROM ( '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' SELECT cm.client_code,cm.isin,NULL fpd,NULL prov,sum(decode(cm.in_or_out,''I'',(nvl(cm.un_reg_quantity,0)+nvl(cm.reg_quantity,0)),-(nvl(cm.un_reg_quantity,0)+nvl(cm.reg_quantity,0)))) quantity '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' FROM Custody_master cm, Equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc'; --sql_string := sql_string|| ' WHERE cm.transaction_Date<='''|| vto_Date ||''' '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' WHERE cm.client_code = etc.client_code and Exists (select 1 from custody_master cm2 where cm.transaction_id = cm2.transaction_id and cm2.transaction_Date<='''|| vto_Date ||''') '; --sql_string := sql_string|| ' AND cm.CLIENT_CODE= '''|| v_client_code ||''' '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' AND = 1 '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' Group by cm.client_code,cm.isin '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' ) where quantity <> 0 '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' UNION ALL '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' select scm.client_code,scm.isin,scm.fpd,NULL prov,sum(scm.quantity) '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' from ( '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' SELECT cm.clearing_no,cm.client_code,cm.isin,NULL fpd,sum(decode(cm.in_or_out,''I'',(nvl(cm.un_reg_quantity,0)+nvl(cm.reg_quantity,0)),-(nvl(cm.un_reg_quantity,0)+nvl(cm.reg_quantity,0)))) quantity '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' FROM custody_master cm, Equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc'; sql_string := sql_string|| ' WHERE cm.client_Code = etc.client_code and cm.transaction_Date > '''|| vto_Date ||''' '; -- sql_string := sql_string||' AND cm.CLIENT_CODE= '''|| v_client_code ||''' '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and cm.clearing_no is not null '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' AND = 1 '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' group by cm.clearing_no,cm.client_code,cm.isin,NULL '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' having (sum(decode(cm.in_or_out,''I'',(nvl(cm.un_reg_quantity,0)+nvl(cm.reg_quantity,0)),-(nvl(cm.un_reg_quantity,0)+nvl(cm.reg_quantity,0))))<>0) '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' ) scm,clearing_calendar cc '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' where scm.clearing_no=cc.clearing_no '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and cc.clearing_end_date<='''||vto_date||''' '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' group by scm.client_code,scm.isin,scm.fpd '; -- sql_string := sql_string|| ' having (sum(scm.quantity)<>0) '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' UNION ALL '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' SELECT cob.client_code,cob.isin,NULL fpd,NULL prov,decode(ca.in_or_out,''I'',(nvl(cob.un_reg_quantity,0)+nvl(cob.reg_quantity,0)),-(nvl(cob.un_reg_quantity,0)+nvl(cob.reg_quantity,0))) quantity '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' FROM custody_opening_balances cob, custody_activity ca, Equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' WHERE cob.client_code = etc.client_code and cob.activity_code=ca.activity_code '; --sql_string := sql_string|| ' AND cob.CLIENT_CODE= '''|| v_client_code ||''' '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' AND = 1 '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' UNION ALL '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' Select et.client_code,et.isin,cc.future_period_desc fpd,decode(instr(sc.symbol,''-PRO''),0,null,''-PRO'') prov,sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,''B'',et.volume,-et.volume)) quantity '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' From Equity_trade et, Clearing_calendar cc, Security sc, Equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' WHERE et.Client_code = etc.Client_code and et.trade_date <='''||vto_date||''' '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and Nvl(et.bill_number,0) = 0 '; --sql_string := sql_string|| ' AND et.CLIENT_CODE= '''|| v_client_code ||''' '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and et.clearing_no=cc.clearing_no '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and et.isin=sc.isin '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' group by et.client_code,et.isin,cc.future_period_desc,sc.symbol '; -- sql_string := sql_string|| ' having sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,''B'',et.volume,-et.volume)) <> 0 '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' UNION ALL '; -- Provisional Weekly checking (Back-Date Checking) sql_string := sql_string|| ' select et.client_code,et.isin,null fpd,''-PROW'' prov,sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,''B'',et.volume,-et.volume)) quantity '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' from equity_trade et,clearing_calendar cc,security sc, Equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' WHERE et.client_code = etc.client_code and et.bill_number is null '; -- sql_string := sql_string|| ' AND et.CLIENT_CODE= '''|| v_client_code ||''' '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and et.trade_date > '''||vto_date||''' '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and et.trade_type = (select es.release_cot_trade from equity_system es) '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and sc.symbol like ''%-PRO'' '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and et.bill_number is null '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and et.clearing_no=cc.clearing_no '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and et.isin=sc.isin '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' group by et.client_code,et.isin,cc.future_period_desc,sc.symbol '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' UNION ALL '; -- Future Weekly checking (Back-Date Checking) sql_string := sql_string|| ' select et.client_code,et.isin,cc.future_period_desc fpd,''-FUTW'' prov,sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,''B'',et.volume,-et.volume)) quantity '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' from equity_trade et,clearing_calendar cc,security sc, Equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' WHERE et.client_code = etc.client_code and et.bill_number is null '; -- sql_string := sql_string|| ' AND et.CLIENT_CODE= '''|| v_client_code ||''' '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and et.trade_date > '''||vto_date||''' '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and et.trade_type = (select es.release_cot_trade from equity_system es) '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and sc.symbol not like ''%-PRO'' '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and cc.future_period_desc is not null '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and et.clearing_no=cc.clearing_no '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and et.isin=sc.isin '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' and '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' group by et.client_code,et.isin,cc.future_period_desc,sc.symbol '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' ) dq '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' group by dq.client_code,dq.isin,fpd,prov '; sql_string := sql_string|| ' having (SUM(dq.quantity)<>0) '; execute immediate sql_string; --------------------------- /*FETCH V_CUR_1 INTO v_client_code; END LOOP; CLOSE V_CUR_1;*/ --------------------------- -- INSERTING ONE ROW IF NO RECORD FOR A CLIENT EXISTS ------------------------- --================== --For Optimization --================== /*OPEN V_CUR_1; FETCH V_CUR_1 INTO v_client_code; ------------------------- LOOP EXIT WHEN V_CUR_1%NOTFOUND; begin select 1 into ret_value from temp_equity_margin tem where tem.client_code= v_client_code; exception when no_data_found then -- if only cash Balance exists and position is zero. record inserted to show his margin insert into temp_Equity_margin (CLIENT_CODE,ISIN,CASH_BALANCE,CUST_BALANCE,MARKET_DATE,MARKET_RATE,OUTSTND_AMOUNT, CASH_MARGIN,CUST_MARGIN,CASH_BUYING_POWER,CUST_BUYING_POWER,SHORT_SALE_VALUE, FUTURE_PERIOD_DESC,EQUITY_CURRENT_POSITION) values(v_client_code,'',0,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'',0); when others then null; end; --------------------------- FETCH V_CUR_1 INTO v_client_code; END LOOP; CLOSE V_CUR_1;*/ --------------------------- Insert into temp_Equity_margin (CLIENT_CODE,ISIN,CASH_BALANCE,CUST_BALANCE,MARKET_DATE,MARKET_RATE,OUTSTND_AMOUNT, CASH_MARGIN,CUST_MARGIN,CASH_BUYING_POWER,CUST_BUYING_POWER,SHORT_SALE_VALUE, FUTURE_PERIOD_DESC,EQUITY_CURRENT_POSITION) Select Client_code, '', 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0 From Equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc Where Not Exists (Select null from temp_Equity_margin tem Where tem.client_code = etc.client_code); --======================= -- End For Optimization --======================= -- deleting clients which have balance in custody. clients has worked during period -- period but have no custody balance will remain b/c they may have cash balance. Delete From Temp_equity_margin otem where otem.isin is null and 1< (Select count(*) from Temp_equity_margin item where item.client_code=otem.client_code); -- update market price for normal (excluding future) update temp_equity_margin tem set (tem.market_date,tem.market_rate)= (select em.price_date,em.close_rate from equity_market em where em.price_date=(select max(price_date) from equity_market where isin=tem.isin AND price_Date<=vto_date) and tem.future_period_desc is null AND em.isin=tem.isin); -- update market price for future update temp_equity_margin tem2 set (tem2.market_date,tem2.market_rate) = (select fem.price_date,fem.close_rate from temp_equity_margin tem, security s, forward_market fem where fem.symbol = s.symbol||tem.future_period_desc and tem.future_period_desc is not null and tem.isin = s.isin and tem2.isin = tem.isin and tem2.client_code=tem.client_code and s.symbol||tem2.future_period_desc = fem.symbol and fem.price_date =(select max(price_date) from temp_equity_margin tem, security s, forward_market fem where fem.symbol = s.symbol||tem.future_period_desc and tem.future_period_desc is not null and tem.client_code = tem2.client_code and tem.isin = s.isin and fem.price_date <=vto_date)) where tem2.future_period_desc is not null; -- update custody holding percentage for ONLINE/OFFLINE CLIENTS --------------------------------------- -- CHANGE FOR COSTODY PERCENTAGE --------------------------------------- update temp_equity_margin tem set tem.cust_margin=NVL(V_CUSTODY_PERC,(select nvl(decode(tem.future_period_desc,null, decode(nvl(ci.online_client,0),0,order_validation.get_margin_holding_percentage(tem.client_code,tem.isin),ONLINE_CLIENT_margin.GET_OL_MARGIN_HOLD_PERCENTAGE(tem.client_code,tem.isin)), decode(nvl(ci.online_client,0),0,order_validation.GET_MARGIN_HOLDING_FWD_PRCT(tem.client_code,tem.isin),ONLINE_CLIENT_margin.GET_OL_MARGIN_HOLD_FWD_PRCT(tem.client_code,tem.isin)) ),0) from client c, client_info ci where c.client_code = ci.client_code(+) and c.client_code = tem.client_code)); --------------------------------------- -- update custody short sale update temp_equity_margin tem set tem.short_sale_value=decode(tem.cust_balance/decode(tem.cust_balance,0,1,abs(tem.cust_balance)),1,0,nvl(tem.cust_balance,0)*nvl(tem.market_rate,0)); update temp_equity_margin tem set tem.short_sale_value=0 where tem.future_period_desc is not null or isin in (select isin from security where isin=tem.isin and symbol like '%-PRO'); -- update custody buying power detail update temp_equity_margin tem set tem.cust_buying_power=(tem.cust_balance*tem.market_rate)*decode(tem.cust_balance,0,1,decode(tem.cust_balance/abs(tem.cust_balance),1,tem.cust_margin/100,1)) where nvl(tem.cust_balance,0)<>0; begin select gl_sl_type_client into vgl_sl_type_client from system; end; -- For Determing Cash Balance Including COT Effect OR Excluding COT Effect /* For Normal Client Cash Balance */ -- Update equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum set op_amt=GET_RISK_CLIENT_BALANCE(vgl_sl_type_client,client_code,vto_date,1,'C',PS_FUTURE_NORMAL); Insert into temp_tbl (Client_code, Cl_amt) Select client_Code, Sum(Amt) from (Select c.gl_sl_code client_code, c.Amount amt from Gl_vouchers_details c, gl_vouchers a, equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc where a.Gl_voucher_no = c.gl_voucher_no and c.Gl_sl_type = vgl_sl_type_client and c.gl_sl_Code = etc.client_code and a.Gl_form_date <= VTO_DATE and Nvl(a.Gl_form_type_code, 'X') <> 'ETB' and rownum > 0 Union all Select et.client_code, Decode(et.buy_or_sell, 'B', (et.volume * et.rate) + (et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt, 0) + nvl(eti.wht, 0) + nvl(eti.wht_cot, 0)), ((et.volume * et.rate) - (et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt, 0) + nvl(eti.wht, 0) + nvl(eti.wht_cot, 0))) * -1) amt From Equity_trade et, clearing_calendar cc, equity_trade_info eti, security, Equity_system es, Equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc Where et.trade_number = eti.trade_number(+) and et.isin = security.isin and et.clearing_no = cc.clearing_no and et.client_code = etc.client_code and et.trade_date <= VTO_DATE and decode('F' || nvl(et.bill_number, -1), 'F-1', cc.clearing_type, 0) <> decode('F' || nvl(et.bill_number, -1), 'F-1', es.forward_clr_type, 1) and decode(Substr(Upper(Security.Symbol), Length(Upper(Security.Symbol)) - 2), 'PRO', decode(et.bill_number, null, 0, 1), 1) = 1) Group by client_Code; Update Equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc Set Op_amt = (Select cl_amt from temp_tbl tt where etc.client_code = tt.client_code); Delete from temp_tbl; Insert into Temp_Tbl (Client_code, Cl_Amt) select Client_code, sum(amount) from ( -- SQUARED POSITION (Future and Provisional) Select et.client_code client_code, et.isin isin,cc.future_period_desc, sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',et.volume,-et.volume)) quantity, --sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',((et.volume*et.rate)+(et.brk_amount+nvl(eti.cvt,0))),-((et.volume*et.rate)-(et.brk_amount+nvl(eti.wht,0)+nvl(eti.wht_cot,0))) )) amount sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',((et.volume*et.rate)+(et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt,0) + nvl(eti.wht,0) + nvl(eti.wht_cot,0) )),-((et.volume*et.rate)-(et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt,0) + nvl(eti.wht,0)+nvl(eti.wht_cot,0))) )) amount from equity_trade et,clearing_calendar cc,security sc,equity_trade_info eti, equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc WHERE et.trade_date <=VTO_DATE and nvl(et.bill_number,0) = 0 AND et.CLIENT_CODE= etc.client_code and et.clearing_no=cc.clearing_no and et.isin=sc.isin and (nvl(cc.future_period_desc,'N') <> 'N' or sc.symbol like '%PRO') and and et.trade_number = eti.trade_number(+) group by et.client_code,et.isin,cc.future_period_desc,sc.symbol having sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',et.volume,-et.volume)) = 0 UNION ALL -- SQUARED BACK-DATE FUTURE POSITION Select et.client_code client_code, et.isin isin,cc.future_period_desc, sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',et.volume,-et.volume)) quantity, --sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',((et.volume*et.rate)+(et.brk_amount+nvl(eti.cvt,0))),-((et.volume*et.rate)-(et.brk_amount+nvl(eti.wht,0)+nvl(eti.wht_cot,0))) )) amount sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',((et.volume*et.rate)+(et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt,0) + nvl(eti.wht,0) + nvl(eti.wht_cot,0) )),-((et.volume*et.rate)-(et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt,0) + nvl(eti.wht,0)+nvl(eti.wht_cot,0))) )) amount from equity_trade et,clearing_calendar cc,equity_trade_info eti, equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc WHERE et.trade_date > VTO_DATE and nvl(et.bill_number,0) = 0 AND et.CLIENT_CODE= etc.CLIENT_CODE and et.clearing_no=cc.clearing_no and cc.future_period_desc is not null AND et.ticket_number like 'FTR%' and and et.trade_number = eti.trade_number(+) group by et.client_code,et.isin,cc.future_period_desc having sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',et.volume,-et.volume)) = 0 UNION ALL -- SQUARED BACK-DATE PROVISIONAL POSITION Select et.client_code client_code, et.isin isin,null future_period_desc, sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',et.volume,-et.volume)) quantity, --sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',((et.volume*et.rate)+(et.brk_amount+nvl(eti.cvt,0))),-((et.volume*et.rate)-(et.brk_amount+nvl(eti.wht,0)+nvl(eti.wht_cot,0))) )) amount sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',((et.volume*et.rate)+(et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt,0) + nvl(eti.wht,0) + nvl(eti.wht_cot,0) )),-((et.volume*et.rate)-(et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt,0) + nvl(eti.wht,0)+nvl(eti.wht_cot,0))) )) amount from equity_trade et,security sc,equity_trade_info eti, equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc WHERE et.trade_date > VTO_DATE and nvl(et.bill_number,0) = 0 AND et.CLIENT_CODE= etc.CLIENT_CODE AND et.ticket_number like 'FTR%' and et.isin = sc.isin and sc.symbol like '%PRO' and and et.trade_number = eti.trade_number(+) group by et.client_code,et.isin having sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',et.volume,-et.volume)) = 0 ) Group by Client_code; Update Equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc Set PL_Square_Pos = (Select cl_amt from temp_tbl tt where etc.client_code = tt.client_code); Delete from temp_tbl; /* For Future Client Cash Balance */ Update temp_equity_margin set FUTURE_CASH_BALANCE = GET_SL_BALANCE_EQUITY_FUTURE(vgl_sl_type_client,client_code,vto_date,'ALL','C',PS_SUM_NET); -- COT Client Cash Merge functionality if COT_ACCOUNT_MERGE = 'Y' THEN /* Selection of COT client Code */ update equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum set op_amt=GET_RISK_CLIENT_BALANCE(vgl_sl_type_client,client_code,vto_date,1,'C',PS_FUTURE_NORMAL); /* Selection of COT client Code */ begin SELECT COT_CLIENT_CODE INTO V_COT_CLIENT_CODE FROM CLIENT C WHERE C.CLIENT_CODE = (select ETC.CLIENT_CODE from equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum ETC WHERE ROWNUM = 1); exception when no_data_found then V_COT_CLIENT_CODE := '00000'; when TOO_MANY_ROWS then V_COT_CLIENT_CODE := '%'; end; /* COT client Cash Balance */ UPDATE TEMP_EQUITY_MARGIN ETC SET COT_CASH_BALANCE = GET_RM_CLIENT_BALANCE(vgl_sl_type_client,client_code,vto_date,'ALL',1,'C'); /* COT client Cash Balance Merging in Normal Cash Balance*/ UPDATE equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum ETC SET op_amt = nvl(op_amt,0)+GET_RM_CLIENT_BALANCE(vgl_sl_type_client,client_code,vto_date,'ALL',1,'C'); end if; -- Reverse effect treat trades as Release(COT EFFECT) ------------- CFS MK II changes By (Nasir) ----------------- /* update equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum tem set tem.cl_amt= (select sum((volume*em.close_rate)) from equity_trade et,clearing_calendar cc,security s,clearing_type ct,equity_trade_info eti,equity_market em where et.trade_date between VTO_DATE-100 and VTO_DATE and et.clearing_no = cc.clearing_no and et.trade_number = eti.trade_number(+) and et.isin = em.isin and em.price_date = (select max(em2.price_date) from equity_market em2 where em2.isin = em.isin and em2.price_date <= VTO_DATE) and et.isin = s.isin and et.client_code = tem.client_code and cc.clearing_type = ct.clearing_type and ct.forwardable = 0 and et.trade_type=(select es.cot_trade from equity_system es) and et.buy_or_sell='S' and s.symbol not like '%-PRO' and cc.future_period_desc is null and not exists (select 1 from equity_trade etex,clearing_calendar c,security s where etex.client_code=et.client_code and etex.trade_date <= vto_date and etex.clearing_no = c.clearing_no and etex.isin = s.isin and etex.isin=et.isin and buy_or_sell='B' and s.symbol not like '%-PRO' and etex.ticket_number=et.ticket_number ) group by et.client_code); */ Insert into temp_tbl (Client_Code, cl_amt, badla_mtm) (Select et.client_code, Sum((et.volume - Nvl(etr.volume, 0)) * em.close_rate) cl_amt, Sum(Decode((et.volume - Nvl(etr.Volume, 0)), 0, 0, decode(et.buy_or_sell, 'S', ((et.rate - em.close_rate) * (et.volume - Nvl(etr.Volume, 0))) + (et.brk_amount + nvl(et.cvt, 0) + nvl(et.wht, 0) + nvl(et.wht_cot, 0)), ((em.close_rate - et.rate) * (et.volume - Nvl(etr.Volume, 0))) + (et.brk_amount + nvl(et.cvt, 0) + nvl(et.wht, 0) + nvl(et.wht_cot, 0))))) badla_mtm From (Select et.Client_code, et.isin, et.buy_or_sell, et.Ticket_number, et.clearing_no, Sum(et.volume) Volume, Sum(et.brk_Amount) brk_Amount, Avg(et.rate) rate, Sum(eti.cvt) cvt, Sum(eti.wht) wht, Sum(eti.wht_Cot) wht_Cot From Equity_trade et, Equity_Trade_Info eti, Equity_system es, Equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc Where et.trade_number = eti.trade_number and et.trade_type = es.cot_trade and et.client_code = etc.client_code and et.buy_or_sell = 'S' and et.trade_date between To_date(vto_date) - 100 and To_date(vto_date) Group by et.Client_code, et.isin, et.buy_or_sell, et.Ticket_number, et.clearing_no) et, clearing_calendar cc, security s, clearing_type ct, equity_market em, (Select et.Client_code, Ticket_number, Sum(Volume) Volume from equity_trade et, Equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum etc Where Trade_type = (Select Release_cot_trade from Equity_system) and et.buy_or_sell = 'B' and et.client_code = etc.client_code and trade_date <= VTo_date Group by et.Client_code, Ticket_number) etr where et.clearing_no = cc.clearing_no and et.isin = em.isin and et.Ticket_number = etr.Ticket_number(+) and et.client_code = etr.client_code(+) and em.price_date = (select max(em2.price_date) from equity_market em2 where em2.isin = em.isin and em2.price_date <= VTO_DATE) and et.isin = s.isin and cc.clearing_type = ct.clearing_type and ct.forwardable = 0 and s.symbol not like '%-PRO' and cc.future_period_desc is null Group by et.client_code Having Nvl(Sum(et.Volume), 0) - Nvl(Sum(etr.Volume), 0) <> 0); Update Equity_temp_capital_g_l_sum et Set et.Cl_amt = (Select cl_amt from Temp_tbl tt Where tt.client_code = et.client_code), et.Badla_mtm = (Select Badla_mtm from Temp_tbl tt Where tt.client_code = et.client_code); ------------- End CFS MK II changes By (Nasir) ----------------- ------------------------- OPEN V_CUR_2; FETCH V_CUR_2 INTO v_client_code, v_bal, v_cot_amt; ------------------------- LOOP EXIT WHEN V_CUR_2%NOTFOUND; -- Update Cash Balance,Cash Margin Percentage in TEMP_EQUITY_MARGIN ----------------------------------------------- -- CHANGE FOR MARGIN PERCENTAGE ----------------------------------------------- update temp_equity_margin tem set tem.cash_balance=v_bal, tem.cash_margin=NVL(V_MARGIN_PERC,nvl(order_validation.get_margin_percentage(tem.client_code,tem.isin),0)) where tem.client_code=v_client_code; ----------------------------------------------- -- Update Online Cash Withdrawl in TEMP_EQUITY_MARGIN update temp_equity_margin set ol_cash_withdrawl = nvl((select sum(nvl(amount,0)) cash_withdrawl_amount from online_client_pay_req where status in ('IN PROCESS','ACCEPTED') and client_code = v_client_code and trunc(request_time) <= VTO_DATE ),0) where client_code = v_client_code; -- Update Online Cash Withdrawl impact on Cash Balance in TEMP_EQUITY_MARGIN update temp_equity_margin set cash_balance = cash_balance + ol_cash_withdrawl where client_code = v_client_code; begin select sum(tem.short_sale_value),max(tem.cash_balance) into vshort_Sale,vcash_balance from temp_equity_margin tem where tem.client_code=v_client_code; exception when no_data_found then vshort_sale:=0; vcash_balance:=0; null; end; if vcash_balance>0 then update temp_equity_margin tem set tem.cash_buying_power=tem.cash_balance where tem.client_code=v_client_code; else vcash_balance:=v_bal+abs(vshort_Sale); IF vcash_balance>0 THEN update temp_equity_margin tem set tem.cash_buying_power=tem.cash_balance where tem.client_code=v_client_code; else update temp_equity_margin tem set tem.cash_buying_power=vcash_balance*tem.cash_margin/100 where tem.client_code=v_client_code; end IF; end if; update temp_equity_margin tem set tem.outstnd_amount = v_cot_amt where tem.client_code = v_client_code; update temp_equity_margin set future_mm=( select sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',((et.rate - em.market_rate)*et.volume)+(et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt,0) + nvl(eti.wht,0) + nvl(eti.wht_cot,0)),((em.market_rate - et.rate)*et.volume)+(et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt,0) + nvl(eti.wht,0) + nvl(eti.wht_cot,0)))) amount from equity_trade et,temp_equity_margin em,clearing_calendar cc,equity_trade_info eti where em.client_code = v_client_code and et.client_code = em.client_code and et.trade_number = eti.trade_number(+) and et.isin = em.isin and et.isin||cc.future_period_desc=em.isin||em.future_period_desc and et.clearing_no = cc.clearing_no and et.trade_date <= vto_date and et.bill_number is null and cc.future_period_desc is not null ) where temp_equity_margin.future_period_desc is not null and temp_equity_margin.client_code=v_client_code; update temp_equity_margin set prov_mm=( select sum(decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',((et.rate - em.market_rate)*et.volume)+(et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt,0) + nvl(eti.wht,0) + nvl(eti.wht_cot,0)),((em.market_rate - et.rate)*et.volume)+(et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt,0) + nvl(eti.wht,0) + nvl(eti.wht_cot,0)))) amount from equity_trade et,temp_equity_margin em,security s,equity_trade_info eti where et.client_code = v_client_code and et.client_code = em.client_code(+) and et.trade_number = eti.trade_number(+) and et.isin = em.isin(+) and et.isin = s.isin and s.symbol like '%-PRO' and et.trade_date <= vto_date and et.bill_number is null ) where temp_equity_margin.client_code=v_client_code; /** PROVISIONAL CASH BALANCE in EQUITY_CURRENT_POSITION field **/ update temp_equity_margin tem set tem.EQUITY_CURRENT_POSITION= ( select sum(Decode(et.buy_or_sell,'B',(et.volume*et.rate)+(et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt,0) + nvl(eti.wht,0) + nvl(eti.wht_cot,0)),-((et.volume*et.rate)-(et.brk_amount + nvl(eti.cvt,0) + nvl(eti.wht,0) + nvl(eti.wht_cot,0))))) cash_balance from equity_trade et,security s,equity_trade_info eti where et.isin=s.isin and et.client_code = v_client_code and et.trade_number = eti.trade_number(+) and et.trade_date<=vto_date and s.symbol like '%-PRO' and et.bill_number is null group by et.client_code ) where tem.client_code=v_client_code; -- update Provisional Market Value in the table temp_equity_margin update temp_equity_margin tem set tem.NORMAL_CASH_BALANCE= ( select sum(abs(tem.cust_balance) * tem.market_rate) market_value from temp_equity_margin tem,security s where tem.isin=s.isin and tem.client_code=v_client_code and tem.prov_trade is not null and s.symbol like '%-PRO' ) where tem.client_code=v_client_code; --------------------------- FETCH V_CUR_2 INTO v_client_code, v_bal, v_cot_amt; END LOOP; CLOSE V_CUR_2; --------------------------- END;