CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE "DOTSEND_SALES_STAFF_PULL" as TYPE rc_rectype IS RECORD ( SALESREP_NUM NUMBER(38) , BUSINESS_UNIT_ID NUMBER(38) , SALESREP_NAME VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) , PHONE_EXTENSION VARCHAR2( 8 CHAR) , EMAIL_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(50 CHAR) ); FUNCTION fn_verify_launch RETURN varchar2; procedure pull_sales_staff; end dotsend_sales_staff_pull; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY "DOTSEND_SALES_STAFF_PULL" as FUNCTION fn_verify_launch RETURN varchar2 IS verify_msg VARCHAR2(20); BEGIN verify_msg := 'Verified.'; RETURN (verify_msg); END fn_verify_launch; procedure pull_sales_staff is rc sys_refcursor ; /* cursor variable passed to SQLServer stored proc */ --type rc_tabtype is table of salesrep_info%rowtype INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; type rc_tabtype is table of rc_rectype; rc_tab rc_tabtype ; /* local PLSQL type of ROWTYPE reqd to bulk collect */ rc_sql_tab sales_staff_tab ; /* reqd SQL type to use in - you guessed it, SQL ! */ gateway_connection_down EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(gateway_connection_down, -28500); err_msg VARCHAR2(100); err_num NUMBER; mail_msg varchar2(500); inserted_sql_count number(12) :=0 ; merged_sql_count number(12) :=0 ; table_sql_count number(12) :=0 ; PROCEDURE convert_local_to_sql(srl_local_tab IN rc_tabtype, srl_sql_tab IN OUT sales_staff_tab) is i number; begin i := srl_local_tab.FIRST; -- get subscript of first element WHILE i IS NOT NULL LOOP srl_sql_tab.extend; srl_sql_tab(srl_sql_tab.count) := sales_staff(srl_local_tab(i).SALESREP_NUM , srl_local_tab(i).BUSINESS_UNIT_ID, srl_local_tab(i).SALESREP_NAME, srl_local_tab(i).PHONE_EXTENSION, srl_local_tab(i).EMAIL_ADDRESS ); i := srl_local_tab.NEXT(i); -- get subscript of next element END LOOP; end; begin DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' START PROC'); rc_sql_tab := sales_staff_tab(); dbo.sp_ob_pull_sales_staff@OB_INITTG4MSQL_DOTSEND1.WORLD(rc); fetch rc bulk collect into rc_tab; close rc; rollback; -- convert_local_to_sql( rc_tab, rc_sql_tab); -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' SQL TO ORACLE CONVERSION COMPLETE'); -- delete from salesrep_info; -- mail_msg := mail_msg||chr(10)||sql%rowcount||' rows deleted '; -- insert into salesrep_info -- (salesrep_num , -- business_unit_id , -- salesrep_name , -- phone_extension , -- email_address -- ) -- select salesrep_num , -- business_unit_id , -- salesrep_name , -- phone_extension , -- email_address -- from (select a.*, -- row_number() over (partition by salesrep_num, business_unit_id -- order by rownum) as row_number -- from table(cast(rc_sql_tab as sales_staff_tab)) a -- ) -- where row_number=1; -- inserted_sql_count:= sql%rowcount; -- merge into salesrep_info a -- using ( select * from -- (select salesrep_num, -- 707 as business_unit_id, -- first_name||CASE WHEN middle_initial IS NOT NULL THEN ' ' -- ||middle_initial||'.' END||' '||last_name as salesrep_name, -- phone_extension, -- email_address, -- row_number() over(partition by salesrep_num, 707 -- order by create_date desc) as most_recent_unique -- FROM USER_PROFILE -- where user_id in (select user_id -- from USER_OMS_SYSTEM -- WHERE OMS_SYSTEM_ID = 'CDOMS' -- ) -- and salesrep_num <> -1 -- ) -- where most_recent_unique = 1 -- ) s -- on (s.salesrep_num = a.salesrep_num -- and s.business_unit_id = a.business_unit_id) -- WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET a.email_address = s.email_address, -- a.salesrep_name = s.salesrep_name, -- a.phone_extension = s.phone_extension -- WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT -- (a.salesrep_num , -- a.business_unit_id , -- a.salesrep_name , -- a.phone_extension , -- a.email_address -- ) -- VALUES (s.salesrep_num , -- s.business_unit_id , -- s.salesrep_name , -- s.phone_extension , -- s.email_address -- ); -- merged_sql_count:= sql%rowcount; -- select count(*) into table_sql_count from salesrep_info; -- mail_msg := mail_msg||', '||table_sql_count||' rows inserted. '|| -- '('|| table_sql_count||' inserted from dotsend. '||merged_sql_count||' merged from ob user_profile.)'; -- commit; -- mail_msg := 'salesrep_info table successfully loaded @'||to_char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy:hh24:mi')||' '||mail_msg; -- ob_smtp_mail.mail(sender => 'oracle', -- --recipients => ',', -- recipients => ob_global_context_pkg.get_informational_recipients(), -- subject => UPPER(SYS_CONTEXT ('USERENV', 'DB_NAME'))||' : Salesrep_Info Load', -- message => mail_msg); exception when others then rollback; if rc%isopen then close rc; end if; raise; end pull_sales_staff; end dotsend_sales_staff_pull; /