ZRMS Setup for Sending Email with Attachments from PL/SQL using Java Stored Procedures 1. Download JavaMail and the Javabeans Activation Framework: JavaMailTM API Implementation Version 1.2 JavaBeans Activation Framework 1.0.1 release 2. From SQLPLUS Go to command Prompt. Go to Dir. where mail.jar and activation.jar are extracted. Then logon to sql as below : sqlplus /nolog connect sys/manager as sysdba; SQL> call sys.dbms_java.loadjava('-v -r -grant PUBLIC -synonym activation.jar'); SQL> call sys.dbms_java.loadjava('-v -r -grant PUBLIC –synonym mail.jar'); 3. Adjust the PATH of attachments in the third call (E.g. E:\PO_Attach\1\2\*) 4. Issue the resolve permission as below sqlplus /nolog connect sys/manager as sysdba; SQL> exec dbms_java.grant_permission('CVN_HO','java.util.PropertyPermission','*','read,write'); SQL> exec dbms_java.grant_permission('CVN_HO','java.net.SocketPermission','*','connect, resolve'); SQL> exec dbms_java.grant_permission('CVN_HO','java.io.FilePermission','E:\email\1\2\*','read, write'); 5. Connect to Schema e.g. CVN_HO and issue the resolve permission as below SQL> exec dbms_java.grant_permission('CVN_HO','java.util.PropertyPermission','*','read,write'); SQL> exec dbms_java.grant_permission('CVN_HO','java.net.SocketPermission','*','connect, resolve'); SQL> exec dbms_java.grant_permission('CVN_HO','java.io.FilePermission','E:\email\1\2\*','read, write'); 6. Next, the following SQL*PLUS script should be executed. It creates a Java class named “SendMail” with only one member function called Send(), and PL/SQL package “SendMailPKG”. These form an interface to JavaMail. Conn to Sys as sysdba; CREATE OR REPLACE AND COMPILE JAVA SOURCE NAMED "SendMail" AS import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import javax.mail.*; import javax.mail.internet.*; import javax.activation.*; public class SendMail { // Sender, Recipient, CCRecipient, and BccRecipient are comma-separated // lists of addresses. Body can span multiple CR/LF-separated lines. // Attachments is a ///-separated list of file names. public static int Send(String SMTPServer, String Sender, String Recipient, String CcRecipient, String BccRecipient, String Subject, String Body, String ErrorMessage[], String Attachments) { // Error status; int ErrorStatus = 0; // Create some properties and get the default Session; Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.put("mail.akadia.com", SMTPServer); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); try { // Create a message. MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session); // extracts the senders and adds them to the message. // Sender is a comma-separated list of e-mail addresses as per RFC822. { InternetAddress[] TheAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(Sender); msg.addFrom(TheAddresses); } // Extract the recipients and assign them to the message. // Recipient is a comma-separated list of e-mail addresses as per RFC822. { InternetAddress[] TheAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(Recipient); msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO,TheAddresses); } // Extract the Cc-recipients and assign them to the message; // CcRecipient is a comma-separated list of e-mail addresses as per RFC822 if (null != CcRecipient) { InternetAddress[] TheAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(CcRecipient); msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC,TheAddresses); } // Extract the Bcc-recipients and assign them to the message; // BccRecipient is a comma-separated list of e-mail addresses as per RFC822 if (null != BccRecipient) { InternetAddress[] TheAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(BccRecipient); msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC,TheAddresses); } // Subject field msg.setSubject(Subject); // Create the Multipart to be added the parts to Multipart mp = new MimeMultipart(); // Create and fill the first message part { MimeBodyPart mbp = new MimeBodyPart(); mbp.setText(Body); // Attach the part to the multipart; mp.addBodyPart(mbp); } // Attach the files to the message if (null != Attachments) { int StartIndex = 0, PosIndex = 0; while (-1 != (PosIndex = Attachments.indexOf("///",StartIndex))) { // Create and fill other message parts; MimeBodyPart mbp = new MimeBodyPart(); FileDataSource fds = new FileDataSource(Attachments.substring(StartIndex,PosIndex)); mbp.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds)); mbp.setFileName(fds.getName()); mp.addBodyPart(mbp); PosIndex += 3; StartIndex = PosIndex; } // Last, or only, attachment file; if (StartIndex < Attachments.length()) { MimeBodyPart mbp = new MimeBodyPart(); FileDataSource fds = new FileDataSource(Attachments.substring(StartIndex)); mbp.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds)); mbp.setFileName(fds.getName()); mp.addBodyPart(mbp); } } // Add the Multipart to the message msg.setContent(mp); // Set the Date: header msg.setSentDate(new Date()); // Send the message; Transport.send(msg); } catch (MessagingException MsgException) { ErrorMessage[0] = MsgException.toString(); Exception TheException = null; if ((TheException = MsgException.getNextException()) != null) ErrorMessage[0] = ErrorMessage[0] + "\n" + TheException.toString(); ErrorStatus = 1; } return ErrorStatus; } // End Send Class } // End of public class SendMail / Java created. SQL> show errors java source "SendMail" No errors. 7. Create PL/SQL package as below which forms an Interface to JavaMail Conn sys as sysdba; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE SendMailJPkg AS -- EOL is used to separate text line in the message body EOL CONSTANT STRING(2) := CHR(13) || CHR(10); TYPE ATTACHMENTS_LIST IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(4000); -- High-level interface with collections FUNCTION SendMail(SMTPServerName IN STRING, Sender IN STRING, Recipient IN STRING, CcRecipient IN STRING DEFAULT '', BccRecipient IN STRING DEFAULT '', Subject IN STRING DEFAULT '', Body IN STRING DEFAULT '', ErrorMessage OUT STRING, Attachments IN ATTACHMENTS_LIST DEFAULT NULL) RETURN NUMBER; END SendMailJPkg; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY SendMailJPkg AS PROCEDURE ParseAttachment(Attachments IN ATTACHMENTS_LIST, AttachmentList OUT VARCHAR2) IS AttachmentSeparator CONSTANT VARCHAR2(12) := '///'; BEGIN -- Boolean short-circuit is used here IF Attachments IS NOT NULL AND Attachments.COUNT > 0 THEN AttachmentList := Attachments(Attachments.FIRST); -- Scan the collection, skip first element since it has been -- already processed; -- accommodate for sparse collections; FOR I IN Attachments.NEXT(Attachments.FIRST) .. Attachments.LAST LOOP AttachmentList := AttachmentList || AttachmentSeparator || Attachments(I); END LOOP; ELSE AttachmentList := ''; END IF; END ParseAttachment; -- Forward declaration FUNCTION JSendMail(SMTPServerName IN STRING, Sender IN STRING, Recipient IN STRING, CcRecipient IN STRING, BccRecipient IN STRING, Subject IN STRING, Body IN STRING, ErrorMessage OUT STRING, Attachments IN STRING) RETURN NUMBER; -- High-level interface with collections FUNCTION SendMail(SMTPServerName IN STRING, Sender IN STRING, Recipient IN STRING, CcRecipient IN STRING, BccRecipient IN STRING, Subject IN STRING, Body IN STRING, ErrorMessage OUT STRING, Attachments IN ATTACHMENTS_LIST) RETURN NUMBER IS AttachmentList VARCHAR2(4000) := ''; AttachmentTypeList VARCHAR2(2000) := ''; BEGIN ParseAttachment(Attachments,AttachmentList); RETURN JSendMail(SMTPServerName, Sender, Recipient, CcRecipient, BccRecipient, Subject, Body, ErrorMessage, AttachmentList); END SendMail; -- JSendMail's body is the java function SendMail.Send() -- thus, no PL/SQL implementation is needed FUNCTION JSendMail(SMTPServerName IN STRING, Sender IN STRING, Recipient IN STRING, CcRecipient IN STRING, BccRecipient IN STRING, Subject IN STRING, Body IN STRING, ErrorMessage OUT STRING, Attachments IN STRING) RETURN NUMBER IS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'SendMail.Send(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String) return int'; END SendMailJPkg; / 8. Give grants to CVN_HO schema to access “SendMailJPkg” package. GRANT ALL ON SENDMAILJPKG TO CVN_HO; 9. Create a Procedure “Pkg_Send_PO_Email” which send the mail to Vendor. Conn CVN_HO/.....@MAX; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY Pkg_Send_PO_Email AS PROCEDURE P_SEND_PO_EMAILS IS CURSOR cur_po_reports IS SELECT po_no, vendor_email, created_by FROM po_email WHERE email_sent_ind = 'N' AND vendor_email IS NOT NULL; rec_po_reports cur_po_reports%ROWTYPE; error_status NUMBER; ErrorMessage VARCHAR2(30000); /* Email related Parameter variables. */ v_ip_address parameter_master.value%TYPE; v_email_sender user_master.email%TYPE; v_email_subject parameter_master.value%TYPE; v_email_text parameter_master.value%TYPE; v_po_document_path parameter_master.value%TYPE; v_sender_email_id parameter_master.value%TYPE; v_attachment VARCHAR2(100); v_missing_parameters EXCEPTION; BEGIN DBMS_JAVA.SET_OUTPUT(5000); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Sending mails ... started !'); /* Fetch the Email related Parameters from the Parameter Master table. */ BEGIN SELECT pm1.value, pm2.value, pm3.value, pm4.value, pm5.value INTO v_ip_address, v_email_subject, v_email_text, v_po_document_path, v_sender_email_id FROM parameter_master pm1, parameter_master pm2, parameter_master pm3, parameter_master pm4, parameter_master pm5 WHERE pm1.type_code = 16 AND pm1.type_code = pm2.type_code AND pm1.type_code = pm3.type_code AND pm1.type_code = pm4.type_code AND pm1.type_code = pm5.type_code AND pm1.value_code = 1 AND pm2.value_code = 2 AND pm3.value_code = 3 AND pm4.value_code = 4 AND pm5.value_code = 5; IF v_ip_address IS NULL THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'Email setting ''Email Server IP Address'' not found in Parameter Master.', FALSE); END IF; IF v_email_subject IS NULL THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20002, 'Email setting ''Email Subject'' not found in Parameter Master.', FALSE); END IF; IF v_email_text IS NULL THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20003, 'Email setting ''Email Text'' not found in Parameter Master.', FALSE); END IF; IF v_po_document_path IS NULL THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20004, 'Email setting ''PO Document Path'' not found in Parameter Master.', FALSE); END IF; IF v_sender_email_id IS NULL THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-200005, 'Email setting ''Sender/Default Email ID'' not found in Parameter Master.', FALSE); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'Email Setting parameter(s) not found in Parameter Master.', FALSE); WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20998, SQLERRM, FALSE); END; FOR rec_po_reports IN cur_po_reports LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(rec_po_reports.po_no || 'Sending mail to ' || rec_po_reports.vendor_email); /* Fetch the Sender Email address from the User Master table. */ BEGIN SELECT NVL(email, v_sender_email_id) INTO v_email_sender FROM user_master WHERE user_id = rec_po_reports.created_by; IF v_email_sender IS NULL THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20011, 'Sender Email address neither found in User Master nor in Parameter Master.', FALSE); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20011, 'Sender Email address neither found in User Master nor in Parameter Master.', FALSE); WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20999, SQLERRM, FALSE); END; /* Create the attachment with first attachment as the PO Report (the PDF file) and the second attachment as NULL. Here the second attachment is taken as NULL to avoid an error generation 'ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error', while calling the function 'Attachments_List' in the package 'SENDMAILJPKG1'. */ v_attachment := v_po_document_path || 'PO_' || rec_po_reports.po_no || '.pdf'; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v_attachment - ' || v_attachment); error_status := SYS.SENDMAILJPKG.SENDMAIL ( SMTPServerName => v_ip_address, Sender => v_email_sender, Recipient => rec_po_reports.vendor_email, CCRecipient => 'pradeep@maxhypermarkets.com', BCCRecipient => 'pradeep@maxhypermarkets.com', Subject => v_email_subject || ' : ' || rec_po_reports.po_no, Body => v_email_text, ErrorMessage => ErrorMessage, Attachments => SYS.SENDMAILJPKG.Attachments_List(v_attachment, NULL) ); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(error_status); /* Update the 'sent_email_ind' to 'Y' and the 'sent_date' to 'SYSDATE' after sending a mail to the vendor. */ UPDATE po_email SET email_sent_ind = 'Y', sent_date = SYSDATE WHERE po_no = rec_po_reports.po_no; END LOOP; COMMIT; END P_SEND_PO_EMAILS; END Pkg_Send_PO_Email; / 9. Set the Parameter_Master table as Below : 10. Execute the “P_SEND_PO_EMAILS” procedure as below : Conn cvn_ho/…..@max SQL> EXEC Pkg_Send_PO_Email. P_SEND_PO_EMAILS PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. After a few seconds check the email in SMTP enabled Outlook Mail !!!! --------------------end----------------- Following is the anonymous block with which i am trying to test whether am gertting the mail in my outlook. i am getting the error_status as zero i.e. it is successful.But am not getting any mail. Declare error_status varchar2(5); errormessage varchar2(100); Begin error_status := sys.sendmailjpkg.sendmail ( smtpservername => '', sender => 'jayaram.p@maxhypermarkets.com', recipient => 'shashanka.10@gmail.com' ,--rec_po_reportsvendor_email, ccrecipient => 'vikas.k@maxhypermarkets.com', bccrecipient => 'shashanka.k@maxhypermarkets.com' , --:v_email_sender, subject => 'po no ' || ' : ' || '91300100187', body => 'body', errormessage => errormessage, attachments => null ); Exception When others then dbms_output.put_line('in exception : '||sqlerrm || errormessage); dbms_output.put_line('in exception : '|| error_status); End;