create or replace type TStrings is table of varchar2(4000); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pop3 ( username VARCHAR2, PASSWORD VARCHAR2, msgnum NUMBER ) RETURN tstrings PIPELINED IS pop3_server CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (100) := ''; pop3_port CONSTANT NUMBER := 110; pop3_ok CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (10) := '+OK'; e_pop3_error EXCEPTION; socket UTL_TCP.connection; line VARCHAR2 (30000); line2 VARCHAR2 (30000); BYTES INTEGER; -- send a POP3 command -- (we expect each command to respond with a +OK) FUNCTION writetopop (command VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS len INTEGER; resp VARCHAR2 (30000); BEGIN len := UTL_TCP.write_line (socket, command); UTL_TCP.FLUSH (socket); len := UTL_TCP.read_line (socket, resp); IF SUBSTR (resp, 1, 3) != pop3_ok THEN RAISE e_pop3_error; END IF; RETURN (resp); END; BEGIN PIPE ROW ('pop3:' || pop3_server || ' port:' || pop3_port); -- Just to make sure there are no previously opened connections --UTL_TCP.close_all_connections; -- open a socket connection to the POP3 server socket := UTL_TCP.open_connection (remote_host => pop3_server, remote_port => pop3_port, CHARSET => 'US7ASCII' ); -- read the server banner/response from the pop3 daemon PIPE ROW (UTL_TCP.get_line (socket)); -- authenticate with the POP3 server using the USER and PASS commands PIPE ROW ('USER ' || username); PIPE ROW (writetopop ('USER ' || username)); PIPE ROW ('PASS ' || PASSWORD); PIPE ROW (writetopop ('PASS ' || PASSWORD)); -- retrieve the specific message PIPE ROW ('RETR ' || msgnum); PIPE ROW (writetopop ('RETR ' || msgnum)); --PIPE ROW( 'LIST '||msgNum ); PIPE ROW( WriteToPop('LIST '||msgNum) ); PIPE ROW ('*** START OF INTERNET MESSAGE BODY ***'); LOOP BYTES := UTL_TCP.available (socket); IF BYTES > 0 THEN BYTES := UTL_TCP.read_line (socket, line); line := REPLACE (line, CHR (13) || CHR (10), ''); -- Decoding the email Attachment IF line = 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' THEN PIPE ROW (line); -- Reading and printing X-Attachment-Id: xyz BYTES := UTL_TCP.available (socket); BYTES := UTL_TCP.read_line (socket, line); line := REPLACE (line, CHR (13) || CHR (10), ''); PIPE ROW (line); -- Reading and printing Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=PrinterSetupInfo.txt BYTES := UTL_TCP.available (socket); BYTES := UTL_TCP.read_line (socket, line); line := REPLACE (line, CHR (13) || CHR (10), ''); PIPE ROW (line); -- Reading and printing blank line BYTES := UTL_TCP.available (socket); BYTES := UTL_TCP.read_line (socket, line); line := REPLACE (line, CHR (13) || CHR (10), ''); PIPE ROW (line); -- Reading, decoding and printing the Attachment PIPE ROW('Reading the Attachment !!!!'); BYTES := UTL_TCP.available (socket); BYTES := UTL_TCP.read_line (socket, line); line := REPLACE (line, CHR (13) || CHR (10), ''); LOOP --IF LENGTH(line) = 1 AND line = '' IF line IS NULL -- This is where the condition never gets satisfied in spite of reaching the end of attachment. I have pasted the original encoded attachment in the post as retrieved using Telnet command THEN PIPE ROW ('Last line of the attachment !!'); PIPE ROW (line); ELSE line2 := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(UTL_ENCODE.BASE64_DECODE(UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW(line))); PIPE ROW (line2); END IF; BYTES := UTL_TCP.available (socket); BYTES := UTL_TCP.read_line (socket, line); --line := REPLACE (line, CHR (13) || CHR (10), ''); --EXIT WHEN LENGTH(line) = 1 AND line is NULL; EXIT WHEN line IS NULL; END LOOP; ELSIF LENGTH (line) = 1 AND line = '.' THEN PIPE ROW ('*** END OF INTERNET MESSAGE BODY ***'); ELSE PIPE ROW (line); END IF; END IF; EXIT WHEN LENGTH (line) = 1 AND line = '.'; END LOOP; --PIPE ROW( '*** END OF INTERNET MESSAGE BODY ***' ); -- close connection PIPE ROW ('QUIT'); PIPE ROW (writetopop ('QUIT')); UTL_TCP.close_connection (socket); EXCEPTION WHEN e_pop3_error THEN PIPE ROW ('There are no emails !'); END;