user := dbo/dbo@hyd Main Query ========== select a.customer_code customer, name, place, a.product_code product, b.quantity ord_qty, nvl(b.delivery_district_code,c.district_code) district, nvl(b.delivery_town_code,c.town_code) town from order_book a, order_book_detail b, customer c where a.region_code = b.region_code and a.order_book_form_no = b.order_book_form_no and a.customer_code = c.customer_code and c.division_code = 34 and a.region_code = 10 and c.state_code = 1 and a.order_book_form_date = '18-OCT-2007' ==> input date :p_date and nvl(c.classification_code,'N') = 'S' order by 1; after perameter =============== p_fin_st number(6) := 0; if to_number(to_char(:p_date,'MM')) >= 4 then :p_fin_st := to_number(to_char(:p_date,'YYYY'))||04; elsif to_number(to_char(:p_date,'MM')) <= 3 then :p_fin_st := (to_number(to_char(:p_date,'YYYY'))-1)||04; end if; formula column ============== :cp_order_amount := null; :cp_deposit_amount := null; :cp_ledger_os := null; :cp_available_cr_limit := null; :cp_tag := null; :cp_amount_payable := null; begin select ((bag_rate * 20) - nvl(freight,0)) * ord_qty into :cp_order_amount from cement_rate where depot_code = 10 and state_code = 1 and district_code = :district and town_code = :town and product_code = decode(:product_code,21,21,26,21,22,22,27,22,23,23,28,23, 31,31,36,31,32,32,37,32,33,33,38,33, 41,41,46,41,42,42,47,42,43,43,48,43, 51,51,56,51,52,52,57,52,53,53,58,53,:product_code) and ((:p_date between from_date and to_date) or (:p_date >= from_date and to_date is null)) and nvl(authorisation_tag,'N') = 'Y'; select nvl(sum(credit_amount),0) - nvl(sum(debit_amount),0) into :cp_deposit_amount from sl_balance where division_code = 39 and (financial_year||financial_month = substr(:p_fin_st,1,4)||00 or financial_year||financial_month between :p_fin_st and to_char(:p_date,'YYYYMM') and sl_code = :customer and and gl_code in (341101, 341102) select nvl(sum(debit_amount),0) - nvl(sum(credit_amount),0) into :cp_ledger_os from sl_balance where division_code = 39 and (financial_year||financial_month = substr(:p_fin_st,1,4)||00 or financial_year||financial_month between :p_fin_st and to_char(:p_date,'YYYYMM') and sl_code = :customer and and gl_code = 441101; :cp_available_cr_limit := nvl(:cp_deposit_amount,0) - nvl(:cp_ledger_os,0); if nvl(:cp_ledger_os,0) < 0 then :cp_ledger_os := abs(:cp_ledger_os); :cp_tag := 'CR'; end if; :cp_amount_payable := nvl(:cp_available_cr_limit,0) + nvl(:cp_order_amount,0);