+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ General Ledger: Version : 12.0.0 Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. RGRARG module: Financial Statement Generator +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Current system time is 28-JUN-2007 09:18:44 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Starting Program RGRARG. Arguments are: 0 RGRARG - RGRARG 1 username/password - username/password 2 0 - 0 3 Y - Y 4 Data Access Set ID - 1000 5 Chart of Accounts Id - 101 6 ADHOC Prefix - FSG-ADHOC- 7 Industry - C 8 Flex Code Id - GLLE 9 Default Ledger ID - NWPL2021(ZAR) 10 Report ID - 2001 11 Row Set ID - 2010 12 Column Set ID - 1001 13 Period of Interest - JUN-07 14 Unit of Measure ID - ZAR 15 Rounding Option - C 16 Override Values - 17 Content Set ID - 18 Row Order ID - 19 Report Display Set ID - 20 Output Option - R 21 Exceptions Flag - N 22 Miniumum Display Level - 23 Effective Date - 24 Parameter Set ID - 2001 25 Maximum Page Length - 58 26 Sub-Request Run ID - -998 27 Application Shortname - SQLGL Message level is: Minimal Current date and time: Thu Jun 28 09:18:44 2007 Segment value security is enforced for Financial Statement Generator reporting. rgrdrs.rgrdrs: Getting value for profile option EXPAND_PARENT_VALUE equal No. rgumsg: fdnwsc() is used by default Default 'Currency:Negative Format' to (XXX). Default 'Currency:Positive Format' to XXX. Current date and time: Thu Jun 28 09:18:45 2007 Current date and time: Thu Jun 28 09:18:45 2007 Current date and time: Thu Jun 28 09:18:45 2007 Current date and time: Thu Jun 28 09:18:45 2007 Current date and time: Thu Jun 28 09:18:45 2007 rgrdpg.rgrdpg: Unable to read value for profile option RG_USE_DUMMY_REPORT.. rgrdpg.rgrdpg: Defaulting value for profile option RG_USE_DUMMY_REPORT to FALSE.. rgrdpg.rgrdpg: Getting value for profile option RG_USE_DUMMY_REPORT equal FALSE.. rgrgdt.rgrgdt: Getting value for profile option RG_USE_NEW_FIND equal TRUE.. rgrgdt.rgrgdt: Getting value for profile option RG_MID_POINTS : 2 rgrgdt.rgrgdt: Getting value for profile option RG_HIER_CMPLX : 4 rgrgdt.rgrgdt: Getting value of axcontcnt_max : 6 rgrsec.rgrrdar: building data access filter rgrsec.rgrrdar: building data access ranges rgrcnx.rgrcnx: Using segment 1 with code_combination_ratio 0.000000 The following conditions will be used for the FSG query: Segment: Ledger Equal to NWPL2021(ZAR) Segment: NWPL_COST_CENTRE Equal to 40151 Equal to 50002 Segment: NWPL_ACCOUNT Greater than or equal to 10010 and less than or equal to 11010 Greater than or equal to 21000 and less than or equal to 21999 Segment: NWPL__SPECIAL_CLASSIFICATION All values Segment: NWPL_SPARE1 All values Segment: NWPL_SPARE2 All values Segment: NWPL_INSTITUTION All values Period: Equal to JUN-07 Equal to AUG-06 rgrsbq.rgrsbq: Unable to read value for profile option RG_REMOVE_CBO_HINT.. rgrsbq.rgrsbq: Defaulting value for profile option RG_REMOVE_CBO_HINT to TRUE.. rgrsbq.rgrsbq: Defaulting value for profile option RG_REMOVE_NVL_HINT to FALSE.. rgrsbq start:ind_seg:1:num_act:7:seg_num:0: rgrsbq segm_name:SEGMENT1 rgrsbq segm_name_ptr:1 rgrsbq:ind_seg:1:num_act:7:seg_num:1: rgrgdt.rgrgdt: Data query SELECT nvl(bal.PERIOD_TYPE, ''), nvl(bal.PERIOD_YEAR, -1), bal.PERIOD_NAME, nvl(bal.PERIOD_NUM, -1), nvl(bal.PERIOD_NUM, -1), bal.ACTUAL_FLAG, decode(cc.TEMPLATE_ID, NULL, 'N', 'Y'), -1, nvl(bal.BUDGET_VERSION_ID, -1), -1, nvl(bal.ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE_ID, -1), bal.CURRENCY_CODE, bal.LEDGER_ID, nvl(bal.TRANSLATED_FLAG, ''), nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_DR, 0) - nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_CR, 0), nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_DR, 0), nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_CR, 0), nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_DR,0)-nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_CR, 0), nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_DR, 0), nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_CR, 0), nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_DR, 0) - nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_CR, 0), nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_DR, 0), nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_CR, 0), nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_DR, 0) - nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_CR, 0), nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_DR, 0), nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_CR, 0), nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_DR_BEQ, 0) - nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_CR_BEQ, 0), nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_DR_BEQ, 0), nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_CR_BEQ, 0), nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_DR_BEQ,0)-nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_CR_BEQ, 0), nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_DR_BEQ, 0), nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_CR_BEQ, 0), nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_DR_BEQ, 0) - nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_CR_BEQ, 0), nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_DR_BEQ, 0), nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_CR_BEQ, 0), nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_DR_BEQ, 0) - nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_CR_BEQ, 0), nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_DR_BEQ, 0), nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_CR_BEQ, 0), nvl(gl.SHORT_NAME, ''), nvl(gl.NAME, '') DESCRIPTION, nvl(gl.CURRENCY_CODE, '') , nvl(gl.SHORT_NAME,'') LEDGER_SEGMENT, nvl(SEGMENT1,''), nvl(SEGMENT2,''), nvl(SEGMENT3,''), nvl(SEGMENT4,''), nvl(SEGMENT5,''), nvl(SEGMENT6,'') FROM GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS cc, GL_BALANCES bal, GL_LEDGERS gl WHERE bal.CODE_COMBINATION_ID = cc.CODE_COMBINATION_ID AND bal.LEDGER_ID = gl.LEDGER_ID AND cc.CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID = 50288 AND ( bal.CURRENCY_CODE in ('ZAR') ) AND ( bal.LEDGER_ID in (2021) ) AND nvl(bal.TRANSLATED_FLAG, 'x')in ('Y','N','x') AND cc.TEMPLATE_ID is NULL AND ( (nvl(SEGMENT2,'') >= '10010' AND nvl(SEGMENT2,'') <= '11010') OR (nvl(SEGMENT2,'') >= '21000' AND nvl(SEGMENT2,'') <= '21999') ) AND ( (SEGMENT1 in ('40151','50002')) ) AND ( (bal.period_name in ('JUN-07','AUG-06') AND ( (nvl(bal.period_name,'') in ('JUN-07','AUG-06') AND ( (bal.CURRENCY_CODE = 'ZAR' AND bal.ACTUAL_FLAG = 'A' ) OR ( (bal.CURRENCY_CODE = 'ZAR' AND bal.ACTUAL_FLAG = 'A' AND (1 = 1)))))) ) ) Time taken for creating: 0 Time taken for creating: 0 Current date and time: Thu Jun 28 09:18:45 2007 rgrgdt.rgrgdt: Returned 17 rows Total time spent in rgridd = 0.000000 Current date and time: Thu Jun 28 09:18:45 2007 Current date and time: Thu Jun 28 09:18:45 2007 Current date and time: Thu Jun 28 09:18:45 2007 Entered sauulc with code 0 from line 603 of file 5366040/rg/lib/rgrmai.c. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Start of log messages from FND_FILE +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ End of log messages from FND_FILE +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Concurrent request completed successfully Current system time is 28-JUN-2007 09:18:45 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Executing request completion options... Output is not being printed because: Program failed to set the report print style. +------------- 1) PRINT -------------+ +--------------------------------------+ Finished executing request completion options.