Hi, I have few queries and needs to make a one query? How can I make it? Table realtionship ================== LOCATION (L) -------- location_gid,==> PK City ||','||Province_Code||' '|| Postal_Code "Origin", location_refnum (LR) =============== location_gid, ==> PK/FK location_refnum_value x_lane (X) ====== x_lane_gid, ==> PK source_location_gid, ==> FK ref to Location.location_gid dest_location_gid, ==> FK ref to Location.location_gid source_province_code, dest_province_code, source_postal_code, dest_postal_code, Rate_Geo (R) ======== Rate_geo_gid, ==> PK X_lane_gid, ==> FK ref to X_lane.x_lane_gid effective_date, expiration_date Rate_Geo_cost_Group (rg) ===================== Rate_Geo_cost_Group_GId ==>PK Rate_Geo_gid ==> FK ref to Rate_Geo.rate_geo_gid Rate_Geo_cost (rc) ============== Rate_Geo_cost_Gid ==> pk Rate_Geo_cost_Group_gid ==> FK ref to Rate_Geo_cost_Group.Rate_Geo_cost_Group_gid charge_action, charge_amount Q7 === attached is the query file and output columns will be like rc.Charge_action, rc.CHARGE_AMOUNT, rg.rate_geo_cost_group_gid, r.insert_date,r.Expiration_Date,r.Effective_date l.ORIGIN, x.DEST_PROVINCE_CODE, x.DEST_Postal_CODE, lr.LOCATION_GID,lr.location_refnum_value select rate_geo_cost_group_gid, charge_action, charge_amount from rate_geo_cost where rate_geo_cost_group_gid in (select rate_geo_cost_group_gid from rate_geo_cost_group where rate_geo_gid in (select rate_geo_gid from rate_geo where x_lane_gid in (select x_lane_gid from x_lane where substr(x_lane_gid, 1, 13) in (select location_gid from location_refnum where Location_Refnum_Value = 'NWL_TL_CORE' -- and dest_province_code is not null ) and source_province_code in (select province_code from location where Location_Refnum_Value in ('NWL_WAREHOUSE')) and dest_province_code is not null ) and trunc(expiration_date) > trunc(sysdate) ) and charge_action in ('A', 'M') ) ==>>>Q6<<<== select rate_geo_cost_group_gid from rate_geo_cost_group where rate_geo_gid in (select rate_geo_gid from rate_geo where x_lane_gid in (select x_lane_gid from x_lane where substr(x_lane_gid, 1, 13) in (select location_gid from location_refnum where Location_Refnum_Value = 'NWL_TL_CORE' ) and source_province_code in (select province_code from location where Location_Refnum_Value in ('NWL_WAREHOUSE')) and dest_province_code is not null) and trunc(expiration_date) > trunc(sysdate) ) ===>>>Q5<<<=== select rate_geo_gid, x_lane_gid, expiration_date, effective_date from rate_geo r where x_lane_gid in (select x_lane_gid from x_lane where substr(x_lane_gid, 1, 13) in (select location_gid from location_refnum where Location_Refnum_Value = 'NWL_TL_CORE' ) and source_province_code in (select province_code from location where Location_Refnum_Value in ('NWL_WAREHOUSE')) and dest_province_code is not null ) and trunc(expiration_date) > trunc(sysdate) =========>>Q3<<<======= select x_lane_gid, dest_province_code, source_province_code from X_lane where source_province_code in (select Province_Code from location where location_gid in (select location_gid from location_refnum where Location_Refnum_Value in ('NWL_WAREHOUSE') )) and dest_province_code is not null =========>>Q2<<<======= select L.City ||','||L.Province_Code||' '|| L.Postal_Code "Origin", L.LOCATION_GID, LR.LOCATION_GID, location_name , Location_Refnum_Value from location l , Location_Refnum LR where L.LOCATION_GID = LR.LOCATION_GID and Location_Refnum_Value = 'NWL_WAREHOUSE'