SQL Statement from editor: select ndb.plan_ctry, ndb.division, ndb.material, ndb.cust_need_dt, stg.total_ord_qty stg_total_ord_qty, stg.open_ord_qty stg_open_ord_qty, stg.cncl_ord_qty stg_cncl_ord_qty, stg.ship_ord_qty stg_ship_ord_qty, ndb.total_ord_qty ndb_total_ord_qty, ndb.open_ord_qty ndb_open_ord_qty, ndb.cncl_ord_qty ndb_cncl_ord_qty, ndb.ship_ord_qty ndb_ship_ord_qty from dp_fc_recon_stg stg, dp_fweq_need_dt_book ndb, dp_system_date dt, dp_fweq_product prd where dt.dp_region = 'USA' and dt.dp_plan_ctry = stg.plan_ctry and dt.dp_division = stg.division and prd.plan_ctry = stg.plan_ctry and prd.division = stg.division and prd.material = stg.material and prd.sap_prod_stat_cd in ('ACT','DEV') and stg.plan_ctry = ndb.plan_ctry and stg.division = ndb.division and stg.material = ndb.material and stg.forecast_dt = ndb.cust_need_dt and ndb.sply_chain_grp = 'S1' and ndb.afs_category = '01' and ndb.sap_prod_st_cd = 'ACT' and ndb.sales_doc_typ = 'Z001' and ndb.src_id = 'SAP' and ndb.cust_need_dt >= trunc(add_months('01-OCT-2006', 4 * -1), 'mm') and ( stg.total_ord_qty <> ndb.total_ord_qty or stg.open_ord_qty <> ndb.open_ord_qty or stg.cncl_ord_qty <> ndb.cncl_ord_qty or stg.ship_ord_qty <> ndb.ship_ord_qty ) order by ndb.plan_ctry, ndb.division, ndb.material, ndb.cust_need_dt ------------------------------------------------------------ Statement Id=4203132 Type= Cost=2.64038238673176E-308 TimeStamp=08-11-06::23::11:43 (1) SELECT STATEMENT ALL_ROWS Est. Rows: 84,863 Cost: 4,673 (10) SORT ORDER BY Est. Rows: 84,863 Cost: 4,673 (9) HASH JOIN Est. Rows: 84,863 Cost: 3,349 (2) TABLE ACCESS FULL NSCDPREP.DP_FWEQ_PRODUCT [Analyzed] (2) Blocks: 21,838 Est. Rows: 284,347 of 568,694 Cost: 845 Tablespace: DP_DM (8) HASH JOIN Est. Rows: 171,343 Cost: 2,121 (5) NESTED LOOPS Est. Rows: 549,664 Cost: 677 (3) TABLE ACCESS FULL NSCDPREP.DP_FC_RECON_STG [Analyzed] (3) Blocks: 17,502 Est. Rows: 1,008,558 of 2,614,811 Cost: 677 Tablespace: DP_DM (4) UNIQUE INDEX UNIQUE SCAN NSCDPREP.SYSDT_PK [Analyzed] Est. Rows: 1 (7) TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID NSCDPREP.DP_FWEQ_NEED_DT_BOOK [Analyzed] Blocks: 360,617 Est. Rows: 816,036 of 29,422,074 Cost: 302 (6) NON-UNIQUE INDEX SKIP SCAN NSCDPREP.FENDB_IDX2 [Not Analyzed] Est. Rows: 1 Cost: 35